Podcast: Business Value of Information and Cybersecurity
Superuser Marketing Superuser Marketing

Podcast: Business Value of Information and Cybersecurity

Recently, Hannah Suarez and Elizabeth Press of D3M Labs discussed the topic on growing business value with cybersecurity. They discuss supply chain security, data sovereignty, the role of cybersecurity in business and more.

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The Modern CISO Network: Board Book
Superuser Marketing Superuser Marketing

The Modern CISO Network: Board Book

Explore the second edition of the Modern CISO Network: Board Book Directory, blocked by Lacework. A network of CISOs and cybersecurity professionals ready for your business needs - read more for some exciting news!

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BSides Berlin Keynote 2023
Superuser Marketing Superuser Marketing

BSides Berlin Keynote 2023

Discover our latest presentation on cloud security risks, industry agendas and information security insights. Bring the expertise of Superuser OÜ at your next cyber security conference, webinar or panel - read more now!

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Superuser OÜ at BSides Berlin
Hazel Suarez Hazel Suarez

Superuser OÜ at BSides Berlin

Speaker Announcement: We are pleased to announce Hannah Suarez, Chief Information Security Officer will be a keynote speaker at BSides Berlin. Join us on November 18!

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